
Ah thank you 🥰

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Sep 5·edited Sep 5Liked by Stephanie Johnson

I was SO excited to see this! And you're already collecting such good findings -- I am way more ruthless. Thank you SO MUCH for sharing. Moves me to read! XX

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Thank YOU for the idea! Ironically, my husband was like....so you're keeping everything lol. But I'm already moving into some pieces I'd like to get rid of in week two so channeling more ruthless energy here!

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Yes! And I think learning re duplicates for example xx

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Sep 4Liked by Stephanie Johnson

these fits are all so cuteeeee

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Sep 4Liked by Stephanie Johnson

Ummm ok…you’re killing it. I am following with bated breath because you are GREAT at creating outfits. The Lisa Says Gah tank with that black skirt is so, so good. Keep it up 👏

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Ah this made my day, thank you!!!

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Sep 4Liked by Stephanie Johnson

I’ve been enjoying seeing the process and results from this challenge. I also like that you’re sharing what you’re keeping or donating!

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Thank you so much! It’s been an eye opening process for sure!

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